Relax & Restore
Video Library
Includes 5 unique Videos to Open and relax the body, deepen your mindfulness practice, breathwork and improve your overall state of wellbeing.
Overview for You
If you are New to Body Rolling or wish to connect with Taylore
Safety Notes
Safety Video Explainer
Safety Transcription
What you want to know about the Nervous System and Why Rest and Digest is important to you!
Prepare to Roll - Get your space, Clothing, Hair, Mat and Mirror / Screen ready
Ball Basics & Care - Video
1. Basic Body Release - Lengthening Back & Front -(Spine, abdomen & sternum)
2. Abdomen, Pelvis double balls vertical
3. Low back, Pelvis & Hips
4. Chest, Neck & Shoulders
5. Upper Back Neck & Shoulders
How best to use this Relax & Restore on an ongoing basis
How to learn more...about Body Foundations next steps...and Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR) Certifications
Based on the concept of 'Restorative' Yoga where we rest and breathe in a held position.
That means we lay on the floor or on a bed...we fully support ourselves with bolsters, blocks, pillows. A blanket is nice too. Then we add Yamuna Black Balls to get super specific and massage and get deep releases as we breathe and relax. And this causes a general calming to the Nervous System.
To start we will do a basic energetic opening of the spine, back and front of the body - a routine of about 20-30 minutes - on a Gold or Pearl ball.
The rest of the class is done with Black balls, area specific and the deeper releases take place as we rest and breathe. Being in this safe, held state, the body opens and gets gentle releases, amazing realignment and a deep state of calm.
And Regain a sense of Inner well being.