Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to the Upper Body - how the areas of the upper and lower body affect and build upon each other.

    2. Overview of Shoulders & Upper Body with Howard - touch &tell anatomy

    3. Experiential Anatomy Connecting Pelvic Floor to Shoulders w Breath from your Feet Up (Sitting in Chair on Black ball)

    4. Understanding Basic Breathwork - thru the Sideline (seated on the floor & can be done seated in a chair)

    5. Deeper Shoulder & Neck Breathwork

    6. Spine Roll - Shoulder and Neck Release - w Black Balls - Reverse Spine Roll & Restful Release of Levator Scapula

    1. Sidelying Lift and Lengthen

    2. Advanced Sideline Release

    1. Overview Connection of Abdomen & Chest

    2. Anterior (Front) Chest Anatomy Landmarks

    3. Anterior (Front) Chest Anatomy Landmarks - written text

    4. Overview Neck - Finding Landmarks and pressure with touch of Hands prior to Ball work

    5. Anterior (Front) Chest Lift (to Neck)

    6. Chest and Shoulder Opener (Anterior / Front)

About this course

  • $295.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

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